A light & power generator that harnesses the energy from a falling weight

Launched 2016. Designed at The GravityLight Foundation
My Project Role:
- R&D development rig design
- 3D CAD
- Prototyping
- Styling
- Usability design
- Design for manufacture (DFM)
- Factory liaison
GravityLight was developed to replace harmful kerosene lamps and provide clean, affordable, safe light. This was the 2nd GravityLight product called GL02:

Managing the cords was one of our biggest challenges. We went through a number of design iterations before the product was able to pass life testing. The image on the left shows the penultimate design.

The orange cord is used to wind the weight up. This can be seen around the sprocket inside GL02:

To keep the design neat on the outside the internal parts became quite detailed, particularly the Chassis pictured below:

Promotional images I created using KeyShot and Photoshop. These renders show GL02 with its SatLight accessories:

GL01 (the first Gravity Light) launched 2014. GL01 was a trial product which won prestigious black and white pencils at the D&AD awards.

As with GL02 we designed all the mechanical components including the gears which are bespoke. Inside GL01:

GL01 in use and on the production line:

The second GravityLight, GL02 was totally redesigned to incorporate much more functionality than GL01. For example as a slip clutch was added to prevent any damage if too much weight is used.
GravityLight has become well known and received much media coverage. Here it is depicted in a cartoon created by Ben & Jerry’s, the ice cream company: